3 Important Financial Questions You Should Be Asking When Picking A College

College is an investment. And like all other investments, you should expect to get a great return on it.
Let the Compounding Commence!

Compounding is the process by which the value of an investment increases over time as earnings or interest are reinvested.
How Parent and Child Assets Impact Financial Aid Packages

Parents with big investments and home equity generally find it harder to get financial aid for their college-bound children.
Will My Child Make a Good Salary After College?

With all of the costs and stress of sending children to college, parents want their graduates equipped to get high-paying jobs quickly.
Are Roth IRAs the Ultimate College Savings Vehicle?

With college costs rising so dramatically, it’s no surprise that people are looking for new ways to save for these expenses.
6 Factors That Predict A Student’s College Success

You can save a lot of money by having an understanding of what truly leads to success for your children in college.
How Can We Afford College?

Finding and funding the right school at the right price for your kids can be most definitely be challenging.
College Planning – Expensive, Popular or Affordable, Sensible School?

Which college would really give the best value and experience? These eight steps will help you make a far better-informed choice.