Is the Debt Ceiling Bringing You Down?

So, what is going on with the U.S. debt ceiling? As potential threats loom large, we are seeing articles in abundance, explaining where we are at, how we got here and what to expect next.

We would not be human if we did not share in your frustration over the maddening lack of resolution to date. It is stressful to watch huge, consequential events unfolding, over which we have no control. And who needs more stress in their life?

Which is why we encourage you to think of your investments as a bright spot of relief in an otherwise unmanageable world. In the face of everything we cannot control, the one place you can call your own shots is within your well-structured, globally diversified investment portfolio.

And here is more good news: As an investor, you do not really need to know that much about the real-time details of the debt ceiling negotiations. Instead, as with any other breaking news, a healthy degree of arm’s length disinterest will likely serve you best, especially if you might otherwise respond to the current fever pitch of news that is news because it is in the news.

To illustrate, let’s consider your most advisable investment strategy under various outcomes.

With history as our guide, it is perhaps most reasonable to expect today’s political brinksmanship-as-usual will lead to some form of resolution, probably arriving at the last possible moment. Then what? Most likely, the “fix” will be partial and imperfect, and the hand-wringing will continue apace over the next challenges inherent in the latest patch. The talking points might shift, but markets will remain as volatile and unpredictable as ever.

In this most likely scenario, we would advise…

Staying invested in your carefully constructed, globally diversified investment portfolio, structured for your personal financial goals and risk tolerances.

What if negotiations in Washington fail? What if we experience U.S. credit rating downgrades, debt defaults and unpaid Social Security benefits (to name a few of the uglier possibilities)? In a worst-case scenario, the U.S. dollar could lose its global currency status, a position it has held well before most of us were born. What then?

If a worse or worst-case scenario occurs, our marvelously efficient markets would once again respond by pricing in the good, bad and ugly news well before we can successfully trade on it. Global diversification would be as important, if not more critical. Selling in a panic as markets adjust to the worsening news would remain as ill-advised as ever.

In other words, your advisable course would remain…

Staying invested in your carefully constructed, globally diversified investment portfolio, structured for your personal financial goals and risk tolerances.

Last, and probably least likely, what if Washington defies our doubts and achieves a happy and timely debt ceiling resolution, with little to no harm done? Hey, anything is possible. In this best-case scenario, the breaking news would be better than most of us expect, so markets would likely respond at least briefly with better-than-expected returns, rewarding us for staying put. At the same time, just in case the next bit of news were to disappoint, or even be less exciting than expected, we would want to temper any concentrated market exposures by, you guessed it…

Staying invested in your carefully constructed, globally diversified investment portfolio, structured for your personal financial goals and risk tolerances.

We would be happy to offer more insights and analysis about the debt ceiling if you are interested in learning more. We are also here to review your portfolio mix any time your personal circumstances may warrant a change. Otherwise, guess what we would advise you to do while the debt crisis continues?

If you are not sure, please give us a call at (781) 291-3001.


With all the uncertainty and volatility in today’s economy, the time is now to take a thorough look at your finances. To accurately plan for your financial future, you must first know where you currently stand. For these reasons, our Success Team at Impact Advisors Group is offering a free financial assessment for both individuals and business owners. Request yours today!

This post was written and first distributed by Wendy J. Cook.


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