Business Planning: Christmas – Don’t Grow Broke
Unfortunately, many business owners only/primarily look at revenue as the metric to assess growth. This can lead to disastrous outcomes!
Business Planning: Tricks And Treats
While we are more familiar with “trick or treat” in the context of children and Halloween, it can also be applicable for business owners.
Business Planning: 2023 National State of Owner Readiness
Ten years ago, the Exit Planning Institute embarked on a groundbreaking research endeavor called the State of Owner Readiness Survey.
Business Planning: Defending Your Business Against Internal and External Threats
Phase II of IAG’s Business Planning process is to “Defend” the business from internal and external threats.
Business Planning: Crucial Question for Every Family Business Owner
Thomas Deans, the author of Every Family’s Business, often asks business owners a question that they find quite polarizing and IMPACTful.
Business Planning: Have You Paid Your Estimated Taxes?
Business owners and independent contractors have unique opportunities and challenges when it comes to their personal financial planning.