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Our Services - Financial Planning

A Financial Plan vs. Financial Planning

Impact Advisors Group (“IAG”) believes that one of the key objectives of financial planning is to equip clients to make important financial decisions from a position of confidence. We believe that the ability to make decisions from a position of confidence improves the odds of achieving the desired outcome.

World War II leader and U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower made a paradoxical statement about preparation when he claimed that “Plans are useless, but planning is indispensable.”

We do not believe that Financial Plans are useless, but we do believe that the real value and impact comes from the financial planning process itself. We believe that by engaging in the financial planning process, clients will develop greater confidence and clarity when making financial decisions on behalf of their family. We believe that more confident decisions often lead to better decisions. We believe that better decisions often lead to better outcomes.

Impact Advisors Group | Duxbury Massachusetts | Warrington Pennsylvania

Our Planning Process

The Impact Plan

The purpose of this phase is to make sure we’re running the right race and then develop an adaptable road map to improve the odds of arriving at the destination safely and on time.


The purpose of this phase is to begin your trip AND make sure we get to enjoy the journey by enhancing clarity and confidence. We all know that things change. With your Success Team by your side, you can have the confidence to truly enjoy the journey.

The Impact Plan – The First Year of Working With Us

Impact Advisors Group | Duxbury Massachusetts | Warrington Pennsylvania
Impact Advisors Group | Duxbury Massachusetts | Warrington Pennsylvania
Impact Advisors Group | Duxbury Massachusetts | Warrington Pennsylvania

The Right Team, The Right Race, an Adaptable Road Map

Average Time: 60 – 90 days

Meetings 1 & 2 – Should IAG Become a Member of Your Success Team

This informal and friendly discussion is where we will determine IF working together would be mutually beneficial.

1. Is IAG’s approach/philosophy/team the right approach/philosophy/team for you and your family?

2. Are you and your family a good fit for IAG?

This is an important and impactful decision. If engaging IAG isn’t the right decision, that’s 100% ok. If we mutually agree to work together, then we’ll proceed according to the below process.

Meeting 3 – Getting to Know You & Getting Organized

We use a user-friendly approach to securely & electronically obtain the relevant information/documentation that we will need to become a valuable member of your Success Team. Once we review the information/documentation we will meet to ensure that we have a high degree of confidence and understanding in three core areas:

1. Accuracy
2. Completeness
3. You

Meeting 4 – The Cash Flow Discussion

This is our FAVORITE discussion as it is where clients often have their first “ah ha” moment and begin to develop a sense of what’s possible!

Meeting 5 – The Possibilities Discussion

Now that your Success Team has a high confidence level in the accuracy and completeness of your current scenario, a better appreciation for what matters to YOU, as well as a deep understanding of your cash flow, we often get to discuss possibilities that were previously thought to be out of reach.

Meeting 6 – The “Plan” Delivery Discussion

We will develop, communicate, and share a customized set of recommendations specifically geared to help improve the odds of turning those possibilities into probabilities.

Ongoing Impact – Subsequent Years of Working With Us

Take Action, Enhance Clarity & Confidence

It has been our experience that we can provide the greatest IMPACT when we are able to continue updating the plan on an annual basis. Clients meet with us twice a year in the Spring and the Fall to update us on any changes and we then provide insight on the following:

Spring Meeting: Retirement Income Projections, Cash Flow Review, Savings Rate, Debt, Investment Portfolio Performance

Fall Meeting: Tax Projections, Estate Planning (Odd Years), Insurance Planning (Even Years)

Average Time: Ongoing for as long as you believe IAG adds value as a member of your Success Team.

Impact Advisors Group | Duxbury Massachusetts | Warrington Pennsylvania

Why Choose A CFP®

IAG is committed to ensuring that clients receive financial advice from advisors that have a fiduciary obligation (under all circumstances) to clients. As such, 100% of IAG’s advisors are CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professionals. IAG will always place the client’s best interest before the advisor or the firm itself.

IAG believes that it should only be good for us if it’s good for you!