Jon Bock Promoted to Director of Tax Planning at Impact Advisors Group
IAG is very excited to announce that Jon Bock, CPA/PFS has been promoted to Director of Tax Planning at Impact Advisors Group.
Author: Brandon Jordan, CFP®, CHFC®, CEPA®, CVGA®, CLU®, MSA, EA | CEO of Impact Advisors Group
An old African proverb states: If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together. This seems logical, and IAG agrees, but why is this the case? Let’s explore some of the reasons why having the right team can help you go far(ther).
1. Diverse Experience:
Teams bring together individuals with varied skills and experiences, leading to more comprehensive solutions. Experience is key component of wisdom. Wisdom is a key component of prosperity.
2. Increased Efficiency / Faster Solutions:
Collaborating with other experienced professionals can help avoid missteps, accelerate processes, and expedite the identification and implementation of solutions.
3. Creative Problem Solving:
We don’t know what we don’t know. Diverse perspectives and experience can lead to innovative solutions that might not occur to an individual.
4. Shared Workload:
Distributing tasks among team members reduces the pressure and workload on any single person. The weight of having to shoulder the entirety of the burden will eventually wear us down.
5. Support System:
Teams provide emotional and professional support, offering encouragement and assistance when challenges arise. This is an important aspect as being the decision maker and ultimate authority figure can be lonely and heavy. ALL experienced professionals have made mistakes. Often, many of them. They’ve taken accountability and learned/grew from them. They can help you grow too.
6. Accountability:
Team members hold each other accountable, helping maintain high standards and drive progress. Coach Tom Landry famously stated “A coach is someone who tells you what you don’t want to hear, who has you see what you don’t want to see, so you can be who you have always known you could be.” Accountability partners can play this same role.
7. Networking Opportunities:
Working in a team can expand your professional network, opening doors to new opportunities. This cannot be overstated. Working with experienced/successful professionals opens you up to their network. It can create opportunities that would not have otherwise been available.
8. Risk Mitigation:
Group decision-making often leads to more thoroughly vetted choices, reducing the likelihood of errors and/or poor judgement and thus improving the probability of achieving desirable outcomes.
9. Continuous Learning:
Exposure to colleagues’ skills and knowledge promotes personal and professional growth. Investing in yourself is rarely a poor investment. This is an indirect investment in yourself!
10. Better Decision Making:
Collective input often leads to less biased, more informed, balanced, and confident decisions. Making more confident decisions (e.g. evidence based, values driven) often leads to better decisions. Better decisions often lead to better outcomes.
By in large, most conceptually accept that building an experienced team is worthwhile because we instinctually understand that the right “we” can accomplish more than any “I.” However, the time, energy, and effort this takes can be daunting and feel overly burdensome. Most people simply don’t feel equipped to assess whether or not a professional (CPA, attorney, insurance professional, M&A professional, fractional CFO, etc.) is even competent, much less, whether or not they’re best-in-class. This hurdle often prevents us from embarking on the mission to build our own team even though we believe it’s in our best interest. It’s simple BUT not easy!
The good news is that IAG has spent more than a decade vetting/assessing as well as working collectively and efficiently with other experienced and IMPACTful professionals to serve IAG clients. We call this the Success Team and believe it will improve the odds that clients will achieve their desired outcome: faster, smoother, and more enjoyable!
IAG is very excited to announce that Jon Bock, CPA/PFS has been promoted to Director of Tax Planning at Impact Advisors Group.
Financial fitness describes your overall financial well-being, akin to how physical fitness pertains to your physical health.
Tax Compliance is recording history, while Tax Planning is creating your optimized future to benefit you and your family.
The S&P 500 has now had two back-to-back years of 25%+ returns. This is something that hasn’t happened since 1998.